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Chord diagram for Dm7
Chord diagram for Em
Chord diagram for F
Chord diagram for C
Chord diagram for Dm
Chord diagram for FM7
Chord diagram for Am
Chord diagram for BbM7
Chord diagram for A
Chord diagram for Am7
Chord diagram for Bm
Chord diagram for CM7
Chord diagram for Am/C
      High Speed Soul - Nada Surf
(see also under a CAPO 5 version)

D G x2		Riff1
Dm7 G x2		Riff2.          Play Riff2 in verse

Dm7								G
Do you ever feel like you just landed 	on this earth?
Dm7								G
You see the creatures all do their dances back and forth
Dm7								G
You get restless and then you join them on the floor
Dm7							G	Em
Suddenly it's tomorrow. It's not today anymore
F		G
It’s not today anymore

C				Dm			Em
You talk to the ceiling every day	The speakers are shaking
Why do i hear you okay?
C				Dm				Em
They're playing soul at the wrong speed	It sounds right now
What are you doing to me?

D Riff1			Dm7	G x2 Riff2

Dm7								G
D'you ever feel like what we call real life is not so real?
Dm7								G
Tripping up on the same old problems you had last year
Dm7								G
We'll pretend it's another planet not so uptight
Dm7							G	Em
The stars are shining above the city every night
F		G
They come every night

C				Dm			Em
You talk to the ceiling every day	The speakers are shaking
Why do i hear you okay?
C				Dm				Em
They're playing soul at the wrong speed	It sounds right now
What are you doing to me?

FM7						G
Where are we going?		                I don't care
Am						D
Our friends all left			        Let's go anywhere
FM7						G
It's getting late				I don't care
Am						D
It's just you and me			        Let's go anywhere

Am	BbM7     X4
D Riff 1

High Speed Soul - Nada Surf
CAPO 5 pour tonalité du disque

A D x2		Riff1
Am7 D x2		Riff2

Am7								D
Do you ever feel like you just landed 	on this earth?
Am7								D
You see the creatures all do their dances back and forth
Am7								D
You get restless and then you join them on the floor
Am7							D	Bm
Suddenly it's tomorrow. It's not today anymore
C		D
It’s not today anymore

G				Am			Bm
You talk to the ceiling every day	The speakers are shaking
Why do i hear you okay?
G				Am				Bm
They're playing soul at the wrong speed	It sounds right now
What are you doing to me?

A Riff1			Am7	D x2 Riff2

Am7								D
D'you ever feel like what we call real life is not so real?
Am7								D
Tripping up on the same old problems you had last year
Am7								D
We'll pretend it's another planet not so uptight
Am7							D	Bm
The stars are shining above the city every night
C		D
They come every night

G				Am			Bm
You talk to the ceiling every day	The speakers are shaking
Why do i hear you okay?
G				Am				Bm
They're playing soul at the wrong speed	It sounds right now
What are you doing to me?

CM7						D
Where are we going?			I don't care
Em						A
Our friends all left			Let's go anywhere
CM7						D
It's getting late				I don't care
Em						A
It's just you and me			Let's go anywhere

Em	Am/C      X4
A Riff 1



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