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Chord diagram for G
Chord diagram for Bm
Chord diagram for Am
Chord diagram for D7
Chord diagram for Em
Chord diagram for C
Chord diagram for D
Chord diagram for G7
Chord diagram for A
Chord diagram for Dbm
Chord diagram for E7
Chord diagram for Gbm
Chord diagram for E
Chord diagram for A7
Chord diagram for Dm
Chord diagram for F
Chord diagram for C7
Chord diagram for Abm
Chord diagram for B7
Chord diagram for B
Chord diagram for Gm
Chord diagram for Bb
Chord diagram for F7
      Please take the time to rate my tab above,  Thankyou

I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe
Please e mail me with any corrections or suggestions to:-


Gerry sings this in the key of “ G “

Verse 1

G       Bm         Am    D7
I like  it,     I  like  it
G                                              Em    
I like the way you run your fingers through my hair,
And I like the way you tickle my chin
C                                                 D            G       D7
And I like the way you let me come in, when your mamma ain’t there

Verse 2

G       Bm         Am    D7
I like  it,     I  like  it
G                                               Em
I like the words you say and all the things you do,
And I like the way you straighten my tie
And I like the way you’re winking your eye
                   G          C   D           G     C    G    G7
And I know I like you,       you know I like you.


C            G
Do that  a - gain,
C              G
You’re driving me insane
C             G
Kiss me once more
            Am             D            Am   D
That’s an – other thing I like you for

Verse 3

G       Bm         Am    D7
I like  it,     I  like  it
G                                        Em
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like you more with every day,
And I like it always hearing you say, 
        D         G    D7                     G     G7
You’re liking it too,        you’re liking it too


C           G
I’m asking you,
C            G
What do you wanna do
C           G
Do you a - gree
          Am                D            Am     D
That the world was made for you and me

Verse 4

G       Bm         Am    D7
I like  it,     I  like  it
G                                        Em
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like it more with every day
And I like it always hearing you say, 
         D        G     D7           C         G
You’re liking it too,        you’re liking it too
D         G      Bm    C          D         G    C   G
Whoa, I like it,         are you liking it too   

Verse 1

A       C#m        Bm    E7
I like  it,     I  like  it
A                                              F#m
I like the way you run your fingers through my hair,
And I like the way you tickle my chin
D                                                 E            A       E7
And I like the way you let me come in, when your mamma ain’t there

Verse 2

A       C#m        Bm    E7
I like  it,     I  like  it
A                                               F#m
I like the words you say and all the things you do,
And I like the way you straighten my tie
And I like the way you’re winking your eye
                   A          D   E           A     D    A    A7
And I know I like you,       you know I like you.


D            A
Do that  a - gain,
D              A
You’re driving me insane
D             A
Kiss me once more
            Bm             E            Bm   E
That’s an – other thing I like you for

Verse 3

A       C#m        Bm    E7
I like  it,     I  like  it
A                                        F#m
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like you more with every day,
And I like it always hearing you say, 
        E         A    E7                     A     A7
You’re liking it too,        you’re liking it too


D           A
I’m asking you,
D            A
What do you wanna do
D           A
Do you a - gree
          Bm                E            Bm     E
That the world was made for you and me

Verse 4

A       C#m        Bm    E7
I like  it,     I  like  it
A                                        F#m
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like it more with every day
And I like it always hearing you say, 
         E        A     E7           D         A
You’re liking it too,        you’re liking it too
E         A      C#m   D          E         A    D   A
Whoa, I like it,         are you liking it too   

Verse 1

C       Em         Dm    G7
I like  it,     I  like  it
C                                              Am
I like the way you run your fingers through my hair,
And I like the way you tickle my chin
F                                                 G            C       G7
And I like the way you let me come in, when your mamma ain’t there

Verse 2

C       Em         Dm    G7
I like  it,     I  like  it
C                                               Am
I like the words you say and all the things you do,
And I like the way you straighten my tie
And I like the way you’re winking your eye
                   C          F   G           C     F    C    C7
And I know I like you,       you know I like you.


F            C
Do that  a - gain,
F              C
You’re driving me insane
F             C
Kiss me once more
            Dm             G            Dm   G
That’s an – other thing I like you for

Verse 3

C       Em         Dm    G7
I like  it,     I  like  it
C                                        Am
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like you more with every day,
And I like it always hearing you say, 
        G         C    G7                     C     C7
You’re liking it too,        you’re liking it too


F           C
I’m asking you,
F            C
What do you wanna do
F           C
Do you a - gree
          Dm                G            Dm     G
That the world was made for you and me

Verse 4

C       Em         Dm    G7
I like  it,     I  like  it
C                                        Am
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like it more with every day
And I like it always hearing you say, 
         G        C     G7           F         C
You’re liking it too,        you’re liking it too
G         C      Em    F          G         C    F   C
Whoa, I like it,         are you liking it too   

Verse 1

D       F#m        Em    A7
I like  it,     I  like  it
D                                              Bm
I like the way you run your fingers through my hair,
And I like the way you tickle my chin
G                                                 A            D       A7
And I like the way you let me come in, when your mamma ain’t there

Verse 2

D       F#m        Em    A7
I like  it,     I  like  it
D                                               Bm
I like the words you say and all the things you do,
And I like the way you straighten my tie
And I like the way you’re winking your eye
                   D          G   A           D     G    D    D7
And I know I like you,       you know I like you.


G            D
Do that  a - gain,
G              D
You’re driving me insane
G             D
Kiss me once more
            Em             A            Em   A
That’s an – other thing I like you for

Verse 3

D       F#m        Em    A7
I like  it,     I  like  it
D                                        Bm
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like you more with every day,
And I like it always hearing you say, 
        A         D    A7                     D     D7
You’re liking it too,        you’re liking it too


G           D
I’m asking you,
G            D
What do you wanna do
G           D
Do you a - gree
          Em                A            Em     A
That the world was made for you and me

Verse 4

D       F#m        Em    A7
I like  it,     I  like  it
D                                        Bm
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like it more with every day
And I like it always hearing you say, 
         A        D     A7           G         D
You’re liking it too,        you’re liking it too
A         D      F#m   G          A         D    G   D
Whoa, I like it,         are you liking it too   

Verse 1

E       G#m        F#m   B7
I like  it,     I  like  it
E                                              C#m
I like the way you run your fingers through my hair,
And I like the way you tickle my chin
A                                                 B            E       B7
And I like the way you let me come in, when your mamma ain’t there

Verse 2

E       G#m        F#m   B7
I like  it,     I  like  it
E                                               C#m
I like the words you say and all the things you do,
And I like the way you straighten my tie
And I like the way you’re winking your eye
                   E          A   B           E     A    E    E7
And I know I like you,       you know I like you.


A            E
Do that  a - gain,
A              E
You’re driving me insane
A             E
Kiss me once more
            F#m            B            F#m  B
That’s an – other thing I like you for

Verse 3

E       G#m        F#m   B7
I like  it,     I  like  it
E                                        C#m
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like you more with every day,
And I like it always hearing you say, 
        B         E    B7                     E     E7
You’re liking it too,        you’re liking it too


A           E
I’m asking you,
A            E
What do you wanna do
A           E
Do you a - gree
          F#m               B            F#m    B
That the world was made for you and me

Verse 4

E       G#m        F#m   B7
I like  it,     I  like  it
E                                        C#m
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like it more with every day
And I like it always hearing you say, 
         B        E     B7           A         E
You’re liking it too,        you’re liking it too
B         E      G#m   A          B         E    A   E
Whoa, I like it,         are you liking it too   

Verse 1

F       Am         Gm    C7
I like  it,     I  like  it
F                                              Dm
I like the way you run your fingers through my hair,
And I like the way you tickle my chin
Bb                                                C            F       C7
And I like the way you let me come in, when your mamma ain’t there

Verse 2

F       Am         Gm    C7
I like  it,     I  like  it
F                                               Dm
I like the words you say and all the things you do,
And I like the way you straighten my tie
And I like the way you’re winking your eye
                   F          Bb  C           F     Bb   F    F7
And I know I like you,       you know I like you.


Bb           F
Do that  a - gain,
Bb             F
You’re driving me insane
Bb            F
Kiss me once more
            Gm             C            Gm   C
That’s an – other thing I like you for

Verse 3

F       Am         Gm    C7
I like  it,     I  like  it
F                                        Dm
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like you more with every day,
And I like it always hearing you say, 
        C         F    C7                     F     F7
You’re liking it too,        you’re liking it too


Bb          F
I’m asking you,
Bb           F
What do you wanna do
Bb          F
Do you a - gree
          Gm                C            Gm     C
That the world was made for you and me

Verse 4

F       Am         Gm    C7
I like  it,     I  like  it
F                                        Dm
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like it more with every day
And I like it always hearing you say, 
         C        F     C7           Bb        F
You’re liking it too,        you’re liking it too
C         F      Am    Bb         C         F    Bb  F
Whoa, I like it,         are you liking it too   




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