The IMPEACHMENT Song by Bruce Guthro C G I is for Idiot, M is for mysoginist, P is for the Peein’ Russian hooker on his bed (allegedly) G C E is for Ecology, A is for the Apology he never gives for tweatin all the stupid things he said C F C is for GINA, H for Holy Cow, M is for the Millions who wished they voted now G E is for Engagement, N is for Nukes and T is for world war TREEEEE. F C IMPEACHMENT, IMPEACHMENT F We love you all America, we hope you’re doin’ well G Now, now impeach the stupid arse before he blows us all to hell. F C IMPEACHMENT, IMPEACHMENT G C I M P E A C H M E N T rump rump rump rump rump rump rump (“What do Donald Trump’s Toupee and a Thong have in common?” They both barely cover the arsehole.) C G I is for Imbocile, M is for Mexico and P is for the parts that he can grab cause he’s a star. G C E is for Egotistical, A is for Assholical (that’s a new word) C is for the Crowd – (big crowd, biggest crowd in the history of inaugurations crowd). C F H is for Hillary who’s loading up the truck, M is for the Millions who would love to be Canucks G E is for Engage, N is still for Nukes and T is still for world war Treeeeeeee. F C IMPEACHMENT, IMPEACHMENT F His stubby little fingers have the codes to blow us up G Now impeach the stupid arse cause it’s the only chance we got F C IMPEACHMENT, IMPEACHMENT G C I M P E A C H M E N T rump rump rump rump rump rump rump F C IMPEACHMENT, IMPEACHMENT F We love you all America, we hope you’re doin’ well, G Now, now impeach the stupid arse before he blows us all to hell. F C IMPEACHMENT, IMPEACHMENT G C* I M P E A C H M E N Teeeeeeeeeeee Rump